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7 Habits

To help our students lead their life in a truly effective way, Pathfinder has started building an environment of effective ‘Seven Habits’ of Franklin Covey. These habits create a process of not only personal but interpersonal growth. One can gain control over life and bring a balance by being more focused and organized in trying to inculcate these habits in our students so that they can also be pre-planned.



Habit 1: Be Proactive

Take responsibility for your life.


Habit 2 : Begin with the end in mind 

Define your purpose and mission in life.


Habit 3: Put first thing First

Prioritize and do the most important things first.


Habit 4 : Think win-win

Allow everyone to have a winning attitude and seek mutually beneficial solutions.


Habit 5 :  Seek First to understand then to be understood

Listen to people sincerely and then present your goals.


Habit 6 : Synergize

 Work together to achieve targets.


Habit 7 : Sharpen the Saw

Renew yourself regularly to achieve more balance in life.

Get in touch

We are delighted that you are considering us for your child’s education. Please contact us, and a member of our dedicated admissions team will get back to you within 24 hours (Monday to Saturday).

We look forward to answering all of your questions.