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Geeta Marg

The Gita is not only a holy book but a collection of practical solutions of man’s all age long universal problems. Dilemmas of Arjun – What to do, which way to choose is the dilemma of every human being . Through his teachings “Lord Krishna” had not only guided Arjuna but the whole mankind to choose the right way or path with the special teaching of “Karma Yoga” which have been universally recognized, followed and applied by all great thinkers, philosophers, social activists, patriots like Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurbindo, Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh and so on. With the aim of developing same character in students and inculcating these precious values , the same teachings have been engraved in “Geeta Marg ” which boosts the moral of students, enlightens them with true knowledge, guides, and inspires them to choose the right path and move ahead with focused mind and enlightened.

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