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House system


A house system aims to bring a sense of belonging, pride, team work and security in children. It is an engaging way of increasing the affinity between students and teachers. Since house system involves students of various classes and sections, it cuts across the superficial and hierarchical norms among students and brings them closer.  Houses are a vital and vibrant part of school system.

Every student, by virtue of being a part of the Pathfinder family becomes a member of a house. Every Wednesday is nominated as the House Day and is celebrated, by all students wearing their designated house uniforms.

The houses are named after 4 heroic national figures: Shri Rabindra Nath Tagore, Shri Subhash Chandra Bose, Shri Ramanajun and Shri Ashoka Maurya. Houses are named after these celebrated men as they stand for valor, courage, leadership and honesty and continue to inspire us posthumously. Based on the core values displayed by them, school is divided into following houses:


Colour of the badge

Values they stand for

Shivaji Red Leadership
Tagore Green Honesty
Ashoka Blue Tolerance
Rani Laxmibai Yellow Scientific temper

At the beginning of the academic year, meetings are held to elect Students’ Council. The job of this council is to take responsibility for the leadership and organization of their house throughout the forthcoming year and design activities and events for the same.

The Houses compete in a number of sporting, academic and cultural activities that expose them to a healthy spirit of competition and camaraderie.


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